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Personal Care at Home Tips to Differentiate Loneliness and Isolation

senior woman sitting on the chair

Loneliness and isolation are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Both can affect a person’s mental and physical health, but they are caused by different things. They are also processed and fixed in different ways. Either way, loved ones might be concerned when seniors withdraw from family and the things they once loved. Having personal care at home can help loved ones monitor seniors, but knowing the difference between isolation and loneliness can help even more.


Isolation is when a person is cut off from other people in some way, either physically or socially. When seniors are alone, they may feel disconnected, helpless, and unimportant, leading to sadness, anxiety, and health problems.

Seniors can feel alone for several reasons, such as not being able to move around as well, retiring, losing a spouse or close friend, or living far away from family. But there are ways to deal with isolation, such as regular visits from friends and family, participating in neighborhood activities, and making social connections through technology.

Home care aids can help increase seniors’ confidence and push past their need to isolate. Having personal care at home also helps by encouraging seniors to step outside their routine and reach out to friends and family. They may also suggest a new hobby or activity that seniors might not have considered independently.


On the other hand, loneliness is the feeling of being mentally alone or disconnected. Everyone has moments when they feel lonely. Seniors can still feel lonely even if they are surrounded by family and friends, don’t have any important ties, or can’t do things that give them a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Loneliness can make seniors sad and nervous and weaken their immune systems, which is bad for their health. Seniors who are lonely might get better help from individual therapy, group therapy, or support groups.

Loved ones and personal care at home aids should monitor for signs of loneliness and assist seniors in working through their emotions. Seniors might not feel they need assistance, but with consistent and gentle care, they can move past the wall they’ve created and return to the things they once loved.

How Can Loved Ones Help Seniors?

In addition to the suggestions above, loved ones can encourage seniors to volunteer. There are several opportunities for seniors to give back, whether using the knowledge they acquired in their careers or helping in other ways. Libraries, animal shelters, and NICUs are all places that consistently need volunteers.

Loved ones need to be patient with seniors as they process their feelings and be there when seniors are ready to talk. Personal care at home can help monitor the situation to ensure seniors don’t need additional assistance.

Both isolation and loneliness can negatively affect a senior’s health and well-being. Still, they are two different problems that need different answers. Seniors who are lonely may need more focused help to deal with emotional problems. Those who are isolated may benefit from more social links and participation in community activities.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Personal Care at Home in Elgin, IL, please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. at 630-888-6644

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