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When Is it Time for 24-hour Home Care?

Sick elder woman

Lots of family caregivers feel like there has to be a specific and valid reason to need certain types of care. But the reality is that if your senior needs or wants specific care, such as having homecare with her, that’s certainly a good enough reason. Some situations might make this type of care a particularly good idea, though, and these examples can help you to see if you should consider around-the-clock care.

You’re Noticing Safety Issues

Safety concerns are always high on the list of concerns for your elderly family member. If you’re starting to notice issues such as she’s leaving the stove on or doors are consistently unlocked, there may be other safety issues that you’re not as aware of yet. Having home care providers there with your senior day and night can help to resolve those issues before they become a tragic situation.

After Frequent Falls or Mobility Problems

Another concern related to safety involves your senior’s mobility. If she’s having trouble walking or she’s experienced frequent falls, there are ways that caregivers can help. Having 24-hour home care providers there with your elderly family member ensures that she has help moving around. She may even become more mobile because she knows that she has help.

After a Hospitalization

If your elderly family member has been hospitalized, it can take some time for her to recover. She may even let you know that she doesn’t feel secure at home alone. 24-hour home care means that your senior has someone there with her around the clock, and if she needs help at any hour, she has it. This can also help you to feel more secure if you’re not able to be there with her.

When She Forgets to Eat and Drink

Another potential problem for aging adults occurs when they either forget to eat and drink or they worry that eating and drinking will cause other difficulties. Losing nutrients and becoming dehydrated are serious issues for your senior and can result in catastrophic situations. Having caregivers there with her ensures that she’s able to avoid those problems.

If She’s Wandering Away

Dementia and other health issues can cause your senior to start wandering, which can be terrifying for both you and her. Elder care providers who are there with your senior around the clock are able to ensure that she doesn’t wander away and that she’s able to stay safe. That’s a huge relief for everyone involved.

If You’re Having Trouble Getting Enough Rest

Finally, if you and your senior live in the same house, it is not uncommon for your sleep to be interrupted by overnight issues. If that’s the case, you may find that you’re not getting the rest that you need in order to be the caregiver you want to be. 24-hour home care ensures that there’s someone there with your senior so that you can rest.

No matter why your senior needs help overnight, having caregivers available for her at any hour can give her tremendous peace of mind.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering hiring Homecare in St. Charles, IL, please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. at 630-888-6644

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