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Summer Activities for Your Elderly Loved One and Their Elder Care Providers

Family dinner at the park

Now that summer is just about here, you should get your elderly loved one outside more. The benefits of going outside are amazing – vitamin D from the sun, exercise from walking, enjoying the fresh air, etc. If you aren’t sure which spring and summer activities your elderly loved one will enjoy, here are some ideas for you and your elder care provider to try.

Use Chalk

Does your elderly loved one have a cement pad or foundation in their yard? Are there sidewalks near their house? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you can encourage your elderly loved one to use chalk. If needed, their elder care providers can go outside with them just to make sure they are safe. Ultimately, though, they can draw anything they want with the chalk or even go back to their childhood days by drawing out the hopscotch game and playing it, too.

Going on a Scavenger Hunt

Wouldn’t it be fun to feel like a kid again? Some senior citizens think about this quite often. Well, there is a way that you and elder care providers can help your elderly loved one to feel like this. You can create them a scavenger hunt. This can include finding things that you or the home care provider hide – everything from presents to puzzles to snacks and more. The point is to walk around (get exercise) and have a good time. There are even scavenger hunt apps that your elderly loved one might enjoy, too.

Taking a Picnic

Does your elderly loved one like to eat outdoors? If so, one activity that could be so fun for them is taking a picnic. They can do this on their own or with a family caregiver or their elder care providers. It is important to make sure your elderly loved one has sunscreen on and sit in the shade (if possible), but other than that, they can pack a nice lunch or dinner and find a calm place outside to eat. Some other things that you or an elder care provider may want to bring to the picnic are a blanket (to sit on), utensils, drinks (water, especially), and a book or some other activity.


Do you want to help your elderly loved one get outside more this spring and summer? If so, then there are numerous activities they can do to be more active, get healthier, keep their mind busy, and to just have a good time. Some of the activities include taking a picnic, going on a scavenger hunt, and using chalk on sidewalks or a cement pad. If your elderly loved one enjoys these activities, you or an elder care provider can search for similar games or activities online. Then, it may be fun to write each idea on a slip of paper and take the time to do one of them with your elderly loved one once or twice a week.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering hiring Elder Care in North Aurora, IL, please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. 630-888-6644


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