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Home Care: Tips To Keep Seniors Heart Healthy

Doctor holding a heart shape

Home Care: February is American Heart Month and it’s a great time for seniors to make some heart-healthy lifestyle changes.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. Seniors have a higher risk of developing heart disease and having heart attacks. But the good news for seniors is that making lifestyle changes as soon as possible can lower the risk of developing heart disease. Consider hiring home care services providers to help make good healthy lifestyle choices.

This February you can help your senior loved one embrace a heart-healthy lifestyle by helping them make changes like:

Exercise More

Exercise is vital for good health at any age. But regular exercise is one of the primary factors in good heart health. Seniors need to move more to get their blood pumping and keep their hearts healthy. If your senior loved one is resistant to exercise encourage them to join an exercise group or club. That will help them stay motivated. You can also help them explore different types of exercise so they can find activities that they like to do. Swimming, walking, and dancing are all great activities for seniors.

Eat Healthily

Diet is the second most important component of heart health. Seniors often end up eating unhealthy foods because processed foods are easier and faster to cook. And they often indulge in too many desserts or fast food meals because they are lonely or bored. Home care providers can help seniors get in the habit of eating healthy meals by helping seniors prepare heart-healthy meals with lots of fresh vegetables. A home care provider can also provide companionship and connection so that seniors won’t engage in emotional eating that can lead to weight gain.

Stop Smoking

There is a long list of reasons why seniors shouldn’t smoke, but one of the most important reasons why seniors should quit is heart health. Smoking can permanently and severely damage the heart and increase the risk of your senior loved one having a heart attack. Even if your senior loved one has smoked for decades they should try to quit. When someone quits smoking their body will start to heal the ravages of smoking almost immediately. The damage may not be reversible, but your senior loved one will still be much healthier when they stop smoking.

Build Strong Relationships 

Loneliness and depression have been called epidemics among seniors. Broken hearts really can kill, and lonely ones can too. Depression, anxiety, and loneliness cause stress. And stress can cause heart damage, heart attacks, and severe heart problems. If your senior loved one is struggling emotionally a home care provider who visits on a regular basis can help your senior loved one stay socially connected and engaged with the world. If you live far away and can’t visit as much as you’d like the regular visits from a caring and compassionate home care provider can be exactly what your senior loved one needs in order to stay happy, engaged, and healthy. A home care provider can also help your senior loved one find book clubs, social groups, exercise clubs, and other ways to make friends and spend time with people.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering hiring Home Care in Wheaton, IL, please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. 630-888-6644


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