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The Stages of Alzheimer’s Family Caregivers Should Know

aide guide the senior woman to read

After a senior parent is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, family caregivers usually have a lot of questions. If your senior parent is one of the more than six million seniors living with Alzheimer’s and you feel like you’re not prepared for this you’re not alone. But there are lots of resources available to help you and your senior parent.

Alzheimer’s Care

Alzheimer’s care is something that seniors should have as soon as they’re diagnosed. Alzheimer’s care will help you and your senior parent take steps to slow down the progression of the disease. Getting enough exercise, eating a healthy diet, and learning more about Alzheimer’s can be beneficial for seniors after they are diagnosed.

One of the most common questions that family caregivers have after diagnosis is what is going to happen to their senior parent. The progression of Alzheimer’s is different for every senior.

Stage 1: Preclinical Alzheimer’s

This is the earliest stage of Alzheimer’s. At this point your senior parent may not be showing a lot of symptoms. But medical tests can diagnose Alzheimer’s at this point by using MRIs and biomarker tests to detect the presence of abnormal proteins in the brain. Getting diagnosed early can give seniors and their families the chance to take steps to slow down the progression of the disease. But unfortunately, most people don’t get diagnosed until they are showing some symptoms.

Stage 2: Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

MCI is considered a transitional stage between normal aging and the more severe cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease. During this stage, seniors may begin to experience mild memory lapses and cognitive difficulties, such as forgetting recent events or misplacing items. However, they can still function independently in daily activities and maintain their overall cognitive abilities.

Stage 3: Mild Alzheimer’s Disease

This stage is characterized by more noticeable cognitive decline. Memory problems become more apparent, and seniors may have difficulty finding the right words during conversations. They might also experience challenges in planning and organizing tasks. During this phase, loved ones and caregivers may start noticing changes in behavior and personality, such as increased irritability or withdrawal from social activities. When seniors see their doctors to get tested it’s often when they have already reached this stage of progression.

Stage 4: Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease

At this stage, Alzheimer’s symptoms become more pronounced, and individuals require increasing assistance with daily activities. Memory deficits worsen, and they may have difficulty recognizing close family members and friends. Communication becomes more challenging, and they might repeat questions or statements frequently. Behavioral changes, including wandering and agitation, are common during this stage.

Stage 5: Moderately Severe Alzheimer’s Disease

During this stage, individuals with Alzheimer’s often require significant assistance and supervision with daily tasks. They may become disoriented to time and place, and their memory loss is severe. Basic activities like dressing, eating, and personal hygiene may need assistance, and they may have difficulty remembering their address or phone number.

Stage 6: Severe Alzheimer’s Disease

In this stage, individuals with Alzheimer’s lose the ability to communicate coherently and require 24/7 assistance with all activities of daily living. They may become increasingly dependent on caregivers for their physical and emotional needs. Behavioral and psychological symptoms like agitation, hallucinations, and sundowning can be more pronounced.

Stage 7: Very Severe Alzheimer’s Disease

In the final stage of Alzheimer’s, individuals lose the ability to respond to their environment or communicate. They may be bedridden and require total care, as they are susceptible to infections and other medical complications.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Alzheimer’s Care in Bartlett, IL, please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. at 630-888-6644

Source 1 / Source 2 / Source 3

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