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Does Your Senior Loved One Need Skilled Nursing Care?

aide taking care of the senior woman

Seniors have a lot of options for where they want to live as they get older and these days most seniors want to stay in the homes they’re living in as they get older. It’s easy to understand why. Their homes are comfortable and cozy. They’re filled with memories of family times, children growing up, and for some people memories of people they have lost. But seniors may develop a need for skilled nursing care at home as they get older. Skilled nursing care is medical care delivered by a medical professional at home instead of in a clinical setting. Does your senior parent need skilled nursing care at home?

They Have Chronic Illnesses

Seniors who have chronic illnesses need to stay on top of their symptom management in order to live without pain and make sure that their condition doesn’t get worse. Getting skilled nursing care at home from a medical professional makes it possible for seniors with chronic illnesses to get the care that they need at home which is less stressful and difficult for them. Seniors who have conditions like arthritis or lupus can find it very difficult and exhausting to have to go to medical appointments but if they have skilled nursing care at home they can stay home and get the care they need.

They Had Surgery Recently

After surgery or a medical event like a stroke or a heart attack seniors need skilled nursing care at home to make sure that their recovery is on track. A medical professional will be able to clean and dress the surgical incision, check for signs of infection, and make sure that their vital signs are strong. A skilled medical professional can also be a direct liaison to the doctor in case there is a problem and your senior parent needs to return to the hospital.

They Have Dementia

Seniors who have Alzheimer’s or any form of dementia find it very stressful to go out to the doctor or to get routine medical care. It’s tough on caregivers too. Often the caregiver must take hours off during the day to take a senior with dementia to a medical appointment. With skilled nursing care at home, seniors can get the routine care they need at home without having to deal with the disruption and stress of going to a medical facility.

They Have Parkinson’s Or A Condition That Limits Mobility

Parkinson’s or diseases that make it difficult for seniors to walk and get around can make medical care excruciating for seniors. Accessibility is a big issue for seniors with mobility challenges. Seniors who have balance impairment or trouble walking also have a high risk of falling. With skilled nursing care, seniors who have chronic mobility challenges can get most of the care they need at home.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Skilled Nursing Care in St. Charles, IL, please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. at 630-888-6644

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